Blogs and Tips

It’s a people power party – Discover the key individuals of 2022

It’s a people power party – Discover the key individuals of 2022

Together is the way, as together we are stronger.

Believe in the power of people!

We all need help and support with our businesses. Businesses (or certainly the ones I like to engage with) are made up of individuals who are in touch with their human side and who will happily engage in conversation about a wide range of subjects, not necessarily always related to work.

I’ve been fortunate to speak with some stellar people this year. There have been far too many meetings to mention every single one, so here’s a monthly rundown of 12 key people who have afforded me their time, be it online or in-person, and who have subsequently brought a smile to my face.


Of course, business has been the backdrop to the meetings I’ve enjoyed, but the opportunities to converse with individuals about life, family, nature, sport, social events, art and the challenges that come with being a business owner have been priceless.

With a plethora of meetings under my belt, it is only at this time of reflection that I’m truly able to review the last 12 months, starting, of course, with the first month of the calendar year.


Step forward, Anna Lewoniewska.

As a by-product of networking came the opportunity to benefit from the experience and advice of this marketing specialist.

The hour spent in Anna’s company on 17 January was magnificent. I clicked off the meeting feeling energised to pursue the great business ideas we spoke about.


Say hello to Samantha Pearce.

The month of February saw the final touches being added to my first collaboration with this brilliant book publisher. Being Woake – a political satire novel – was subsequently produced. I’d highly recommend you have a chat with Sam if you are thinking of self-publishing. Her knowledge of the industry knows no bounds.


Please welcome Rich Kersey.

Thanks to the fantastic Agency Local Huddles and 🌍 Chris Bantock, I met Rich and we have stayed in touch. Upon first chatting to him, it was clear we shared many similar interests, such as sport, a passion for creativity…oh, and Lego!

Building on these blocks, we’ve had several enjoyable conversations since.


Hello, Paul Stamp.

As far as helpful people go, Paul has to be towards the front of the queue! I first met Paul for a coffee in Horsforth, Leeds, and we hit it off immediately. The conversation flowed and it was great to find out all about Paul’s business and tap into his knowledge about networks. Paul is a regular at the CRS Editorial  Leeds Netwalking event and each and every time we meet, there’s always a new topic of discussion.


Take a bow, Warren D’Souza.

Having networked with Your Partnerships over Zoom, a first-time visit to Cornwall on holiday meant my wife and I could meet people in person!

Warren’s willingness to help and connect people is to be applauded. He is such a nice guy and we’ve had some laughs in the time I’ve known him.

Fair to say that May was a month to remember, as I also got to pick up my Business of the Year award!


Greetings, Lesley Dutton.

A friendly person who I have had the pleasure of chatting to on a few netwalks and also in-branch at Virgin Money where she works, Lesley is on-hand to help business professionals of Leeds.

Whether it is conversing whilst on a riverside walk or her co-hosting of well-being sessions, she is a fantastic person to know.


Crunching the numbers is James Denton.

In the wonderful world that is business, I was introduced to James by Deby Jackson. Much appreciated, Deby!

Her recommendation and James’ work means the self-assessment return is no longer taxing, which is a big help.


Bonjour, Kelly Drewett.

Some people just get you from the off and I’m delighted to say Kelly is one of these people! We had a 1-2-1 in mid-August, having met long before then on a couple of different networking meetings.

It’s been great to get to know Kelly and chat regularly to find out all about the goings on in the world of SEO and also the French Alps. I’m not at all envious of your surroundings, Kelly!

The fusion of the Alps with Leeds seems to be working nicely, as we’ve been collaborating since September and will be doing so again in the new year.


Welcome, Philip Whiteley.

Philip and I have enjoyed some interesting discussions. Towards the back end of September, we met for coffee after discovering we lived a matter of minutes away from each other. With a shared love of writing and football, my days have been enriched thanks to a walk and talk around the park with Philip, or chatting over coffee.

I look forward to catching up again soon, Philip.


Hello there, Jody Fletcher.

I’ve known Jody for a year and she is so helpful. With a wealth of knowledge about merchandising, Jody has got the cogs ticking on more than one occasion as to how I could promote my business. Such a warm person and a delight to chat to, I consider her a friend, not just someone who I’ve met through business networking.

It’s been a pleasure getting to know her through 1Networking and, as a fellow Theo Paphitis Small Business Sunday winner, I hope to meet her early in the new year at the #SBS event.


Here is Mallu Moilanen.

Meeting Mallu early in November set the month up to be a cracker!

Happy to share her story and expertise, I’ve learnt so much from Mallu in the short space of time I have known her. A positive mindset and happiness are key facets of life, so to learn from this Mindfulness Wizard has been priceless.


Hi, Bella Hegarty.

What better way to finish off the year by looking ahead to the new one.

Thanks at large to Bella’s ‘Generate Hidden Revenue’ workshop, I’m primed for 2023 knowing there is support at hand. Her attention to detail and efficiency are to be applauded. It’s great to know there are people looking out for you, to keep you on-track.

Thank you, one and all!

Photo by Hannah Busing on Unsplash.

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