Blogs and Tips

Why a library is important – A guided tour like no other

Why a library is important – A guided tour like no other

Libraries allow us to widen our knowledge base and soak up greatness.

With instant access at everybody’s fingertips, you could be forgiven for thinking that the humble library is a thing of the past. That long gone are the days of visiting these amazing institutions, replaced all too easily with online purveyors of books, journals, reviews and reports.

At times, even the most staunch library advocate may succumb to the power of Amazon or the likes, though it is important we remember these cherished buildings not just for what they offered, but for what they continue to provide.

Join me as I take you behind the scenes of one of Britain’s oldest surviving independent libraries; a place that is steeped in tradition, having served its public duty since 1768.

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Blogs and Tips

Good news travels fast

Good news travels fast

The knock-on effect of consuming uplifting news is profound.

Anguish, drama, pain, tragedy. I could go on…

All words we associate with negative experiences when what the majority of us want to hear and read are examples of positive and uplifting behaviour such as kindness and love; traits naturally associated with human existence.

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Blogs and Tips

Celebrating one year in business

Celebrating one year in business

Sparkling teamwork combined with a promotional after-sales service make every project a pleasure.

On 1 October 2020 began a journey into the unknown. Bereft of a comfort zone but armed with a desire to succeed.

Equipped with a trusty toolbox of skills and backed by a quarter of a century’s worth of experience, the hurdle of redundancy was overcome and a new chapter was opened.

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Blogs and Tips

How to increase levels of engagement with your book

How to ensure more people see your work

Your book could reach so many more people by following these simple steps.

Many authors and content creators with whom I have worked throughout my career have produced fantastic resources only to wonder how to get their work viewed by the right people and in the correct places.

Here are 13 tried-and-tested ways to ensure your book gains maximum exposure.

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Blogs and Tips

Writing for the UK and American markets

Knowing your audience – How to write for the UK and American markets

It is important to recognise the differences that exist either side of the Atlantic.

Target market. An oft used phrase, but what does it mean?

Communicating with fellow human beings is a key ingredient in the rich tapestry of life. Be it on a personal or business level, the volume of information readily available for consumption is profound. Though when the time arrives to translate those conversations to words on a page, do you give consideration to the people you are writing for – your target market?

Having completed work for both British and American clients, I want to share with you a couple of tips on how to ensure your content is fit for its intended audience. 

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